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Understanding Holiness Through God’s Eyes

Article 1: Understanding Holiness Through God’s Eyes

Hey there, Visionaries! Today, we’re embarking on a fascinating journey to understand a pretty big word—holiness. Now, when you hear “holiness,” you might think of something super far away, like a distant star in the night sky. But guess what? It’s closer than you think, and yes, it’s something we can all reach for, even though it might seem a bit like trying to catch a cloud with your hands. So, let’s dive into what holiness really means, especially how God sees it, and clear up some of those foggy misconceptions that might be floating around.

What Does “Holiness” Mean?

Imagine you have a favorite toy that’s special and different from all your other toys. You treat it with extra care because it’s unique. In a way, that’s how holiness is. It’s being set apart, special, and different, but in the best way possible. It’s about being like God—pure, good, and full of love. The Bible tells us, “Be holy, for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:15-16). It’s like God saying, “You’re part of My special team, and I want you to shine bright like Me.”

Why People Think Being Holy Is Impossible

Sometimes, people say, “Oh, being holy is too hard. We’re just humans, after all. We can’t be perfect like Jesus.” But here’s the thing—God wouldn’t ask us to do something impossible. Sure, we make mistakes (everyone does!), but being holy isn’t about never messing up. It’s about trying your best to do good, love others, and follow God’s path, then getting up and trying again when you stumble.

Busting a Big Myth: Idolatry in Disguise

Some folks might tell you that aiming for holiness is like chasing after a fantasy. They might say, “It’s better to be realistic and not try too hard.” But think about it—if we believe it’s impossible to follow God’s way because we’re “only human,” aren’t we kind of saying our human ways are more powerful than God’s plans? That’s a bit like making our limitations a big, shiny idol. Instead, God wants us to trust Him and believe that with His help, we can live lives that reflect His love and goodness.

Looking Up to Jesus

Jesus is our superstar example of holiness. He lived a life full of challenges yet stayed kind, loving, and true to God’s way. When we think, “Ah, it’s too hard to be good,” we can remember Jesus. He showed us it’s possible to live a life that shines bright with holiness, even when it’s tough.

Your Special Mission

So, Visionaries, your special mission (should you choose to accept it) is to be a light of holiness in the world. It’s about doing little acts of kindness, being honest, and showing love—just like Jesus did. And when you slip up? No biggie. Say sorry, learn, and leap back into action. God’s not asking for perfection on the first try; He’s cheering for you to keep growing, learning, and shining brighter every day.


Remember, being holy is like being on a thrilling adventure where you get to be a hero like in your favorite stories. It’s about standing out for all the right reasons and making the world a brighter place with your light. So, let’s lace up our adventure boots and set off on this journey of holiness together!

Stay tuned, Visionaries, because next time, we’ll dive into the magical world of repentance and prayer and discover how they’re superpowers in our quest for holiness. Keep shining bright! And remember, a visionary mind nurtures a creative spirit. Let your vision guide you, keep your mission organized, and always keep creating. Until next time, stay visionary.  

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