Article #4: The Pursuit of Perfection: Can We Be Like Jesus?

Visionaries, buckle up! Today, we’re tackling a doozy of a question that’s probably danced around your noggin more than once: Can we, mere mortals that we are, actually be like Jesus? I mean, aiming for that Jesus-level of perfection seems a bit like trying to dunk a basketball when you’re only five feet tall—admirable, but are we setting ourselves up for a faceplant?

Shooting for the Stars

First off, let’s get one thing straight: when we talk about being like Jesus, we’re not suggesting you start walking on water or feeding the 5,000 with a couple of fish sticks and a loaf of Wonder Bread. This is about embodying the love, kindness, forgiveness, and humility that He exemplified. But let’s be real, even on our best days, we might feel like we’re barely scraping by on the “be like Jesus” scale.

The Blooper Reel

Personal anecdote time! Remember when I tried to fast for 40 days like Jesus? Yeah, by hour 40, I was eyeing my cat’s kibble like it was a five-star meal. It was a humbling reminder that our journey to be like Jesus isn’t about hitting specific benchmarks or performing miracles; it’s about our hearts and how we live our lives each day.

Perfectly Imperfect

Here’s the kicker: Jesus doesn’t expect us to be perfect. In fact, He knows we’re about as far from perfect as Pluto is from the Sun (and not even a planet anymore—sorry, Pluto). The point is, it’s not about being without flaw; it’s about striving, about reaching for that higher standard even when we stumble.

Striving, Not Arriving

Being like Jesus is a marathon, not a sprint (and definitely not a competition). It’s about making choices every day that reflect His love and grace, even in the small stuff. Whether it’s offering a kind word to someone who’s struggling, lending a hand without being asked, or showing forgiveness when it’s the last thing you want to do, these are the moments we inch closer to that Jesus-like vibe.

Keep On Keeping On

And when you do trip up? Remember, Peter walked on water until he doubted. The dude literally took steps on a lake before starting to sink. Even with Jesus right there, he faltered. But the beauty of it? Jesus didn’t let him drown. He doesn’t let us drown either. He’s there, hand outstretched, ready to pick us back up.

The Takeaway

So, can we be like Jesus? Sure, in the sense that we can always aim to mirror His love and compassion. Will we ever be perfect? Nope. And that’s okay. It’s about the journey—every step, every stumble, every leap of faith.

Keep walking the walk, Visionaries. Embrace the bloopers, celebrate the victories, and remember, you’re not in this alone. We’re all in the same boat—trying to navigate the waters of life with a little help from our Friend above.

Until next time, keep those spirits high and those intentions pure. Catch you on the flip side!

And remember, a visionary mind nurtures a creative spirit. Let your vision guide you, keep your mission organized, and always keep creating. Until next time, stay visionary.  

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