Embracing Faithfulness to God’s Covenant

Welcome back Visionaries! Today, let’s chat about something really important – being true to our promises, just like God wants us to be. It’s like when you promise to help your mom in the kitchen and you do it; it makes her so happy! Well, in the Bible, in the book of Ezra, we learn about being faithful to promises we make to God.

What Does It Mean?

Being faithful to God’s covenant means following His rules and teachings. Imagine it like a special rule book for life that God has given us, to help us live the best way possible.

Why It’s Important

Following God’s rules is like following the rules at school, work or home. They keep us safe, happy, and on the right path.

Bible Verses to Remember

  1. Ezra 7:10: “For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments.”
    • Just like Ezra, we should learn about God’s rules and follow them.
  2. 2. Psalm 119:30: “I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments have I laid before me.”
    • This is like choosing to always tell the truth because it’s the right thing to do.
  3. Deuteronomy 6:5: “And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”
    • Loving God is like loving our family – with all our heart!
  4. James 1:22: “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”
    • It’s not just about hearing God’s words, but doing what they say, like actually helping out when we say we will..

Real-Life Examples:

  • Just like when you finish your homework before playing, following God’s rules is about doing what we should, even if we’d rather do something else.
  • When we promise to be kind to our friends and then actually do it, that’s being faithful to what God wants.

The book of Ezra emphasizes adherence to the laws and commandments of God. Ezra’s leadership in restoring proper worship and adherence to the Law underlines the importance of remaining faithful to God’s covenant. I encourage you to read it, dear visionaries. Now, we’ve journeyed through some beautiful verses and real-life examples that show us how to be true to God’s covenant. Just like following rules at home helps everything go smoothly, following God’s rules leads us to a life full of joy and peace. It really does.

Why and How to Learn More

  • Why?: Understanding God’s covenant helps us know what He expects from us and how we can live in a way that pleases Him.
  • How?: To learn more, we can read Bible stories, just like the story of Ezra, and see how people of faith lived. We can also pray and ask God to help us understand His words and apply them in our daily lives. Talking to family, friends, or leaders in our church about these stories can give us new insights and help us grow in our faith.

Pause and Reflect

As we explore what it means to stay true to God’s promises, let’s take a moment to think about our own lives.

  • Question for Reflection: Can you remember a time when following a rule or a promise made things better for you or someone else? Maybe it was a time you shared your toys and made a new friend, or when you studied hard for a test and did really well!
  • Activity Suggestion: Draw a picture or write a story about this experience. Think about how this is similar to following God’s rules. Share your drawing or story with someone you love and talk about why it’s important to keep promises, just like we keep our promises to God.

Remember, every time we choose to do the right thing, it’s like we’re giving God a big high-five!

Every small step in following God’s rules is a big step in living a life full of love and happiness! And remember, a visionary mind nurtures a creative spirit. Let your vision guide you, keep your mission organized, and always keep creating. Until next time, stay visionary. 

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