Blog Post Series Part 4: The Deepest Dive into Demonization – Stage 4: Possession


Welcome back, marvelous readers, to the final installment of our compelling series on demonization and curses! If you’ve been with us from the start, you know we’ve been journeying through the different stages of demonization. Last time, we delved into the unsettling world of Stage 3—Obsession. [Read it here] if you haven’t yet. Today, we’ll conclude with Stage 4—Possession. Get ready, because this one is the grand finale!

What is possession? The Biblical View

Contrary to popular opinion, possession is not about a demon overtaking a person’s body and owning their soul. No, a person’s free will is never entirely removed, just severely compromised. At this stage, demonic spirits can intermittently seize control over the individual’s actions.

*Scriptural Support:*

For example, in Mark 5:1-20, Jesus encounters a man who is possessed by a legion of demons. Despite his condition, the man runs to Jesus and worships Him, indicating that he still has some level of free will. Jesus casts out the demons, and the man is found “sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind” (Mark 5:15, KJV).

This story could be interpreted to suggest that while demonic possession severely impacts a person, God’s power can intervene to restore a person’s free will and agency.

In the Bible, there’s another captivating story found in Matthew 17:14-21. Here, a dad is desperate to help his son who’s haunted or possessed by a demon. This invisible foe throws the young man into life-threatening situations—like near fire or water. Now, you might think the demon has full control, right? But hold on.

Here’s where the fascinating part comes in: the dad still had the freedom to take his son to Jesus. And guess what? Jesus sent that pesky demon packing, healing the boy “from that very hour,” as the King James Version puts it.

What does this mean for us? Well, even when a demon has a strong grip on someone, it doesn’t wipe out free will entirely. The dad had the choice to seek Jesus, and his faith activated a divine intervention.

So, even in the darkest of times, when it seems like all freedom is lost, there’s a flicker of agency that remains. God’s always in the background, ready to step in and restore not just peace, but our very ability to choose.

Examples of Possession:

1. Mental & Emotional Breakdown: The person is so mentally, emotionally, and spiritually deteriorated that control slips away.

    *Scriptural Support*: Psalm 34:18 (KJV) tells us that God is near to those who have a broken heart. Even in the depths of possession, God is still near.

2. Physical Actions: In extreme cases, the person might display unnatural strength or behaviors.

    *Scriptural Support*: Mark 5:4 (KJV) describes how the possessed man had extraordinary strength, breaking chains and irons. But remember, God’s power is greater!

3. Sporadic Control: Unlike what you might see in movies, possession doesn’t mean the demon is in constant control. It’s more sporadic but still highly disruptive.

    *Scriptural Support*: Luke 22:3 (KJV) describes how Satan entered Judas, but it was not a constant state of control.

Conclusion & Future Topics

Thank you for sticking with us through this intense journey into demonization. The knowledge you’ve gained is both sobering and empowering, equipping you to stand firm in your faith. What’s next? Well, our upcoming series will shift the focus toward a brighter topic: “The Counter Series of Combating the stages of Demonization” followed by “The Armor of God and How To Use It.” I promise, it’s going to be incredibly uplifting!

And remember, a visionary mind nurtures a creative spirit. Let your vision guide you, keep your mission organized, and always keep creating. Until next time, stay visionary. 

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