The Deep Dive into Demonization- Navigating Stage 3: Obsession Part 3


Hey, wonderful readers! Welcome back to our captivating series on demonization and curses. In the last article, we tackled Stage 2—Oppression. If you missed that one, you can [read it here]. Today, we’re venturing into darker territory as we explore Stage 3, known as Obsession.

What is Obsession? The Biblical View

What is Obsession? The Biblical View

At this point, the demonization process intensifies to a level that is much harder to ignore. The afflicted person becomes almost constantly preoccupied with thoughts of demonic activity. They’re so commanding that life starts to unravel.

*Scriptural Support:*

Matthew 12:43-45 (KJV) describes how when an unclean spirit leaves a person and later returns, it finds the home “empty, swept, and garnished.” The person’s life is in a state that invites more severe forms of demonic activity, including obsession.

Examples of Obsession:

1. Disturbed Sleep Pattern: Sleep becomes almost impossible to achieve.

    *Scriptural Support*: Proverbs 3:24 (KJV) speaks about the sweetness of sleep to the one who trusts God, contrasting with the disruptive sleep in the stage of obsession.

2. Overwhelming Mental Attacks: The mind becomes a battleground, where thoughts of demonic activity become nearly unbearable.

    *Scriptural Support*: Romans 12:2 (KJV) urges believers not to conform to the world but to renew their minds. This becomes difficult in the stage of obsession.

Conclusion & Teaser for what’s Next!

Thanks for diving deep into the unnerving yet vital subject of Obsession with us! I hope this Biblical lens provides you with the knowledge to detect and combat these spiritual disturbances effectively. Are you ready for the final piece of this puzzle? Our next article will focus on Stage 4—Possession. You won’t want to miss it; it’s going to be incredibly enlightening!

And remember, a visionary mind nurtures a creative spirit. Let your vision guide you, keep your mission organized, and always keep creating. Until next time, stay visionary. 

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